by David Lane
Devotees of the State’s religion of secularism argue that religion is personal and should neither influence nor attempt to shape public policy. However, secularism is no more ‘neutral’ than Christianity. The deceptive terminology has been effectively deployed over the last 100 years to help secularists gain political advantage to displace Christianity in America’s public square with religious secularism. Despite secularism’s duplicitous insistence on being ‘neutral’, to believe in God or not to believe in God are both religious beliefs.
The American Founders’ prioritization of the Bible as the “principal text”1 in early American education was in every way a religious decision. Likewise, the decree by the secularly radicalized Warren Court in 1963 to ban the Bible from American public education was in every way a religious decision as well, just favoring a different religion.
Conservative critics and legal scholars have described the Warren Court [1953-1969] as “the most liberal court in American history” due to its negative impact on American law and culture. Chief Justice Earl Warren [1891-1974] was 72 years old during the 8-1 Abington School District v. Schempp decision in 1963.
Hence, by the mid-20th century, secularism was well on its way to the mundane, profane arrogation of government, academia, and large segments of the business sector, aimed at the stamping out of the Judeo-Christian heritage and Biblically based foundation laid down by the American Founders.
The following SCOTUS-driven acts of annulment and abrogation over the last 60 years speak for themselves:
• Barring prayer from public education in 1962 [Engel v. Vitale].
• Outlawing the Bible from public education in 1963 [Abington School District v. Schempp].
• Devising a constitutional right to murder unborn babies in utero in 1973 [Roe v. Wade].
• Banning the Ten Commandments from public schools, courthouses, and government buildings in 1980 [Stone v. Graham].
• Identifying a constitutional right to exalt, normalize, and codify into law homosexual intercourse and same-sex marriage in 2015 [Obergefell v. Hodges].
• Consecrating ‘special rights’ for homosexuals and transgenders in 2020 [Bostock v. Clayton County].
The liberal mantra of religion as being a ‘personal matter’ sounds relatively harmless. Still, from a Biblical perspective, it’s proven to be more synonymous to the Gibeonite deception found in Joshua 9, as being a ruse designed to gain an advantage.
Which brings us to President Donald Trump’s effort to slash federal spending through the Department of Government Efficiency [DoGE] and the discovery of the progressive [USAID] slush fund supplying funding for the Left’s most cherished ideological fancies:
• $7.9M to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary gender language.
• $1.5M to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces.
• $1.5M for art for inclusion of people with disabilities.
• $6M to transform digital space to reflect feminists’ democratic principles.
• $2.1M to help the BBC value the diversity of Libyan society.
• $10M worth of U.S.-funded meals that went to Al Qaeda-linked terrorist efforts.
• $70K to produce a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion musical in Ireland.
• $2M for sex changes and LGBT activities in Guatemala.
• $5M to the Eco Health Alliance, one of the key NGOs from the bat research at the Covid-related Wuhan lab.
• $1.5M to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica.
• $3.9M for LGBT causes and advocacy in the Western Balkans.
• $6M for advancing LGBT issues in priority countries around the world.
• $6.3M for men who want to have sex with men in South Africa.
The above catalog of abominations becomes even more abominable as we come to Dr. Russell Moore’s Christianity Today, which received $1.8M from USAID to propagandize against and counter Evangelical conservatives in the last election cycle.2
This should perhaps not come as a real surprise, since the epithet Today in the magazine’s title informs us that its contents are fully shaped by current yet ever-changing worldly affairs, in sharp contrast to everlasting Biblical truth.
Dr. Zachary Groff, managing editor of The Confessional Presbyterian Journal, noted, “The revelations about taxpayer dollars going to Russell Moore’s Christianity Today Magazine and St. Louis’s Revoice Conference [not to mention other recipients] suggests that America does have a real Christian Nationalism problem, and it’s on the political Left.”
Humor-based news, opinion, and entertainment site Not The Bee added, “It’s almost like Biden and his band of Swamp demons funneled taxpayer cash straight into their pockets to push anti-Trump propaganda onto evangelicals.”3 Thanks for nothing, Russell Moore and David French.
The essence of dealing with liberals and secularists is to remember that while over the generations, the weapons may have changed, the spiritual battle has not and remains ongoing. In the words of Jesus Christ quoted in John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, kill, and destroy.”
As we close, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s post-nomination speech is worth the 2 minutes.
“For 20 years, I’ve been up every morning on my knees and praying that God would put me in a position where I can end the childhood and crime disease epidemic in this country. On August 23rd of last year, God sent me President Trump.
“He’s kept every promise he made to me, kept his word in every account, and went way beyond it. I’m so grateful to you, Mr. President.
“Many people told me that I couldn’t trust President Trump, so I’d better get it in writing. We did a handshake, and he did everything he told me he would do. You are a pivotal historical figure. You are going to transform this country at a time when we see the indicia of democracy now in tatters.
“We see the rise of the military-industrial complex, the rise of totalitarianism, these attacks on our Constitution, and the breathtaking epidemic that is disabling our people. A healthy person has a thousand dreams; a sick person only has one. 60% of our population has only one dream: to get better.
“President Trump has promised to restore America’s strength, but we can’t be a strong nation with a weak citizenry. 77% of our children cannot qualify for military service.
“We need a man on a white horse now; we need somebody willing to come in who has the spine, the guts, and the strength to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy. President Trump has shown again and again that he’s that hero.”4
May Gideons and Rahabs move into the public arena to join the battle taking place there.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
1. Founder Fisher Ames [1758-1808], co-author of the First Amendment.
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― John F. Kennedy
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
“Such are often the witnesses to His Truth, which God has employed.
At His bidding they come and go: not from the ranks of the influential and learned do they issue. They are not the products of this world system, nor does the world place any laurels on their brow.”
-David Lane
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